Alexander / B's Music Shop Luminous Fish Stealer Phaseshifter
Luminous Fish Stealer Phaseshifter
($229.00 Incl. tax)
EarthQuaker Devices
EarthQuaker Devices Grand Orbiter Phase Machine V3
EarthQuaker Devices Grand Orbiter Phase Machine V3
($199.00 Incl. tax)
Walrus Audio
Walrus Audio Lillian Analog Phaser
Walrus Audio Lillian Analog Phaser
($219.99 Incl. tax)
MXR M279 Deep Phase
The MXR Deep Phase Pedal delivers uniquely expressive vintage phaser tones with the impeccable build quality and tweakabiity that MXR is famous for.
($149.99 Incl. tax)
Electro-Harmonix Bad Stone Analog Phase Shifter
EHX has resurrected the legendary Bad Stone Phase Shifter. With prices of 1970s’ vintage Bad Stones soaring, now is your chance to get a reissue that is faithful to the original circuit design and three-knob control layout, but features up-to-date enhance
($88.90 Incl. tax)
Outlaw Effects
Outlaw Effects Phunnel Cloud 2-Mode Phaser Pedal
Outlaw Effects Phunnel Cloud 2-Mode Phaser Pedal
($59.00 Incl. tax)
Warm Audio
Warm Audio Jet Phaser Guitar Pedal
Warm Audio Jet Phaser Guitar Pedal
($199.00 Incl. tax)